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employment interview中文是什么意思

用"employment interview"造句"employment interview"怎么读"employment interview" in a sentence"employment interview"的同义词


  • 雇用面谈
  • 求职面试


  • Over 40 per cent believed that discrimination does exist in employment interviews arranged by state organs and institutions
  • " i loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late
    这个人说: “由于我那天去招工的地方面谈时晚到了两小时,因此我失去了在电台工作的机会。
  • I loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late
    这个人说: “由于我那天去招工的地方面谈的时候,晚到了两个小时,因此我失去了在电台工作的机会。
  • This study extends previous research by examining the moderating role of interview structure in real employment interviews for actual job openings
  • He always has his best foot forward when speaking to his constituents . put your best foot forward during an employment interview
  • Through work rules , salary booklets , the employment interview and the orientation meeting , new employees learn of the policies relating to salaries , advancement , education , activities , benefits , services and responsibilities
  • Through work rules , salary booklets , the employment interview and the orientation meeting , new employees learn of the policies relating to salaries , advancement , education , activities , benefits , services and responsibilities
用"employment interview"造句  


  • an interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment
    同义词:job interview,

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